05.05.2018 - 25. Open-Air Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung Schloss Dieserdorf
vorzüglich - V3
10.12.2016 - Nationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung 2016
vorzüglich - V2
tolle braune Hündin, gute Größe, korr. Haarkleid, ausdrucksvoller Hündinnenkopf, schöne Kopfhaltung, Lobenswert sind die gut aufgeknöcherten Pfoten, bewegt sich mit drive und bestens präsentiert.
29.10.2016 - Internationale Rassehundeausstellung Hannover 2016
sehr gut - SG2
gr. Hündin, noch unfertig wirkend m. schönem Hündinnenkopf, g. Behang s. lang. Hals, feste Rückenlinie, g. Rutenhaltung, Brust fehlt noch Tiefe und Breite.
16.10.2016 - Bundessieger-Ausstellung Dortmund 2016
sehr gut - SG3
liver of nice colour and coat, wold prefert tighter and darker eye, good neck, adequate bone, good rear quarters, moved ok, very good
01.10.2016 - 13. Internationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Rostock 2016
vorzüglich - V2
lovely head and expression, exc. neck, topline an tailset, exc. angulation font and backside, enogh body for her age, exc. moves, not in coat today, excellent handled.
Foto Jürgen Möws - Vielen Dank.
30.07.2016 - 8. Internationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Bremen 2016
sehr gut - SG2
18 Monate alte harmonisch aufgebaute Hüdin von ansprechendem Typ, fem. Kopf, korr. obere Linie, breit gut bemusklete Oberschenkel, flüssiges raumgreifendes Gangwerk, freundliches souveränes Verhalten.
23.07.2016 - 10. Open-air Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung Hoisdorf
vorzüglich - V2
18 month old bitch of exc. type, lovely liver solour, beautiful modulated head with al kind eye. This bitch is just young but so very bal. which shows it self on the move. movement effortless
17.07.2016 - FCR Trophy 2016
very good - VG
17 month old, pretty liver bitch, attractive head, good reach of neck an lay back of shoulder, slightly straight in upper arm, level topline, in goog coat, moved ok.
10.07.2016 - 20. Open-Air Spezial-rassehunde-Aussellung Stuhr
vorzüglich - V1
17 month old bitch, lovely dark liver, well modulated head and eye shade, good reach of neck, well back leight shoulders, good lengh of upper arms, moved well with lovely tail action quality balanced.
26.06.2016 - 1. Open-air Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung Winsen/Luhe
vorzüglich - V3
nice bitch, good head but a bit light eye, good neck and shoulders but could be more angulated in frond an need a bit more forechest, moves o.k., very nice coat and aolour.
08.05.2016 -Internationale Ausstellung Dortmund 2016
sehr gut - SG
liver bitch, I would like more tightness in the feet, deep chest, short souple, well ribbed, good quarters, good in topline and tailset, movement ok.
07.05.2016 - VDH-Europasieger-Ausstellung Dortmund 2016
vorzüglich - V2
a very nice bitch, ballendec head, good thigth, exc. reach of neck, good angulation front and rear, moved out very well, just coming into coat. Exellent
17.10.2015 - Internationale Ausstellung Dortmund 2015
vielversprechend - VV1
typical, good pro. head, corr. widht, well emlbladed, good chest, good body, corr. toplin, corr for her age, corr movement, nice temperament.
16.10.2015 - Bundessieger-Ausstellung Dortmund 2015
very promising - VP1
lovely dog liver, pretty head, i would prefer a darker eye, level topline, well developed rip corpus, moved well.
29.08.2015 - DRC-Clubschau 2015
very promising -VP2
puppy is urrently very raw, pleasing head, would prefer darker eye, seasonable lay beck of shoulderan return of upper arm, a little narrow through the ribcage at this age, croup a little flat, well made hindquaters, exc. coat colour, mooved freely.
25.07.2015 - 9. Open-Air Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung Hoisdorf
very prosmising -VP1
Best Youngster in Show
lovely type, nicely ballanced puppy, lovely head, very good reach of neck, ex. shoulder placement, deep ribcage, strong body, ex. hindquarters with low hocks, ex. dark liver colour, sound moves, well handeled, niche temperament
Tilda mt Papa Finnlay.